Welcome to MSafe dApp Store

Directly interact with popular projects on Aptos while enjoying MSafe’s multi-sig digital asset management benefits
· Secure
· Decentralized
· Interoperable

Buy, Stake, Swap, Trade, Lend, Borrow

See What People Are Saying
Aries Markets
Aries Markets is proud to support MSafe and its dApp store integration! As an initial partner for smart contract deployment, MSafe never fails to impress with the smoothness of its integration process, and apt technical support provided by the team. We are excited to be able to bring MSafe's secure wallet solutions to users on Aries Markets and Aptos.
Bruh Bear
We've been using MSafe to safely manage our treasury. With a young ecosystem like Aptos it brings the Bruh Bear team a sense of security to hold a significant amount of funds on a multi-sig rather a hot wallet prone to more risk. Since working closely with the MSafe team they have been extremely helpful in implementing new features and giving excellent advice. We are stoked to see them add Taverns support. MSafe is essential for projects like us.
The MSafe integration provides our liquidity providers with an augmented environment to manage and protect their liquidity assets, which is especially valuable to those whale users.
The integration was quick and easy, with the only hiccup being that they had some issues verifying the integration locally, but everything worked perfectly once deployed!
Thanks to the excellent technical support from MSafe, Tortuga was able to integrate with MSafe very easily. Our users are delighted to use the best multi-sig wallet on the Aptos chain to safely stake their APT with Tortuga, the largest liquid staking platform on Aptos!
Thala Labs
MSafe is Thala Labs’ go-to multisig solution! MSafe makes it easy to use the SDK, CLI and UI for secure operations including contract deployment and key parameters configuration. And if you need help or have questions, Jacky’s there with answers - making this a highly recommended solution for any Aptos builder.
Aptos Monkey
MSafe was instrumental in securing our supply of $Seedz through the MSafe multi-sig SDK.
The MSafe team is amazing, always responsive and great builders.

MSafe dApp Store Integration is Easy for Developers - Just One Line of Code!

const  wallets =  [  new  MsafeWalletAdapter() ];