Due to popular demand, MSafe NFT giveaway is back! The MSafe Jays NFT collection is a limited edition with 1000 Jays total. We are thrilled to partner with Pontem Network, Topaz Market, and Crust Network to distribute MSafe VIP NFTs to more Aptos community members.
Anyone can participate through one or more of these 3 partners of MSafe. Have fun and good luck in winning a lovely MSafe Jay NFT!

New Pontem x @MomentumSafe giveaway – 20 VIP Jay NFTs to be won.
August 10-21– don’t miss it!
- Follow MSafe & Pontem on Twitter.
- Create an MSafe wallet & enable receiving NFTs. Here is an instruction:https://doc.m-safe.io/safe/users/user-guide/wallet-faqs…
- During the campaign, swap any amount using Pontem Wallet’s native swap feature. Fill out the form:https://form.typeform.com/to/asl3IrTO
Important: you’ll need to use the Swap feature INSIDE Pontem Wallet AND take a screenshot of the wallet’s Activity tab that shows this transaction.
See the original Pontem tweet to participate in the giveaway.

We're giving away 20 VIP MSafe Jays!! To enter:
- React to our latest announcement on Discord (link in bio).
- Follow us, @MomentumSafe Retweet this tweet!
- You must have an MSafe account: https://app.m-safe.io
- Comment with your MSafe wallet address
See the original Topaz tweet to participate in the giveaway.
Giveaway: 10 VIP MSafe NFTs out of a limited 1000 for 10 different people. Rules to enter:
- Follow Crust and MSafe on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MomentumSafe
- Like and Retweet this post.
- To receive the NFT, you must have an MSafe account: https://app.m-safe.io/
- Comment with your MSafe wallet address.
How we will choose the winners:
We'll use the Twitter picker to select 10 random people who meet all the criteria.
See the original Crust tweet to participate in the giveaway.